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I am a Software Profesional with 5 years of Work X. I am Crazy about fitness. I have been working out for the last 14 years.Also working as a consultant with world's #1 brand Fitness First. Teaching RPM thats an awesome Indoor Cycling Workout where we ride with the rhythm of the music.

Thursday 8 March 2012

High Intensity Training VS Low Intensity Training

This is my 1st post on my blog. And in this very 1st i wud like to discuss the most important thing that we should know about training i.e. the Intensity of Training. The above picture is self explanatory.Jus c the difference btwn these 2. The marathon runner(LHS) and the 100m Sprinter(RHS) Which type of body u want??


  1. I am pretty sure the marathon runner is more fit from inside and would live on to see a 100, while the sprinter is dashing and fast but less fit than the marathon runner?

  2. @Rajat: not lik that bro. i wud say there are more than average chances of a marathon rummer being unfit from inside as well. reason being overtraining or undernutritioning which furthur leads to many other health issues.

  3. I think fitness is the state of mind and ability to carry out one's daily task without feeling the pain.
    For eg- An individual who is on healthier side of weight but is still able to walk up 4 floors without feeling out of breadth vs an individual who has the right weight and is able to walk up 4 floors feeling out of breadth. The former is considered to be healthier compared to the later.
    Another one - if an individual can pick up some weight(box full of clothes, some utensils) and is able to put it one top of the shelve or a high platform without feeling the pain is a healthy person.
    Let us take the case of Saif Ali Khan. His looks do not give the true picture of his health. He has had two heart attacks.
    Therefore, I personally believe that if one can carry out ones daily life and get a good health (which is backed up by some medical tests) then one is a healthy person.

  4. @Atul: absolutely correct. like Rajat said, we need to be fit from inside as well. It all depends on ur goals.
    1. u want 2 b fit from INSIDE ONLY?
    2. u want 2 b fit from OUTSIDE ONLY?
    3. BOTH?

    Try to corelate ur xamples with the above three catogories. u ll get the answer :)

  5. Well if you are healthy from inside then only it reflects outside in a true way. Strength, Stamina, body weight , immunity.. all are indicators to one's fitness but i think in conjuction.

  6. I think marathon runner is thin because one will lose muscles by running at mild pace for long hours and body will be fatigued .on other side Sprinter is well build as running fast will build muscles ...Obviously i will go for Sprinter body as body will look good and if you look good , you feel good and happiness is the key for leading a healthy life ....

    I think most important is "Core Exercise" for inner strength and body be in full shape ..that is what US army does :)

  7. I believe there is a difference between being fit and feeling fit. Look at the faces of these two athletes. Look at the marathon runner's face. It seems that he has been forced out of his bed and made to run as a punishment. Now look at the intensity on the face of the sprinter, he is running like a machine. Ofcourse, the sprinter is more tired due to longer distance. But the point is workout should be an activity that you enjoy and should not be taken as a punishment or just another task to be performed. Only then, would anyone look as well as feel fit.

  8. i think pushing urself into HIW is bettr as in case of marathon runner as a personal expirience If you want to stay lean HIW is a must .Not only do you burn calories during HIW but your metabolism stays elevated afterwards . U feel pumped up !!

  9. @Ashish: agree :)
    @Bpuri : u know all abt HIT n HIW :)

  10. Sprinter is all about raw muscle power while a marathon runner would rely on his stamina and endurance.
    This is a good example of what overkill can do to your body....

    no need to go the sprinter way but one should know what is the right amount of training one requires.
    Counting on Manish to share his experiences here and on all the other fitness enthusiasts to keep the motivation up!!!

  11. I think both are fit from Inside as in burning fat n keeping heart healthy. however, I believe the jogging type marathon (low intensity training) is beneficial on long term basis. because the high intensity training or 100m race can be won by taking injectable testosterone or any energy drinks that would push the adrenaline to the max level. the guy in 100m race looks muscular because he probably works our hardcore.

  12. Nice and motivated article, thanks a lot for that Manish and keep us posted

  13. hello frnds, i saw the picture and read all of ur comments..i differ with u all in a sense that the picture which is shown to us is not correct representative of what it is intended to show ....such that the difference of effect of low intensity and high intensity training...i feel it is doctored to proove it more inclined towards high intensity training regime.so i think it will not be wise to shape our opinion on this topic just by looking at this doctored picture.Another point i want t discuss here is that ...IS it a LOOKS or FITNESS we are emphasising on...in my opinion what ever kind of pysical activity u take it will improve ur looks and fitness too.. so i feel there is no point in making reference to looks by seeing at a doctored picture or deliberately designed picture...so if somebody ask me about what kind of exercise schedule one should follow ...i will say it all depends on personal choice as we cant categorise each individual into same frame,but an important point is that whatever schedule one follow it must be regular and continous effort.

  14. @drsand : m not sure if the picture is edited. but i have seen marathon runners and 100m sprinters as well. they don differ much as in d picture. As i already said in my post:
    what type of body u want????
    so this is 100% following ur comment :
    "it all depends on personal choice"
    anyways thanks for ur comments :)

  15. @pankaj and @Swati: thank u :)

  16. i think interval training works better, sprint for 2 mins , n then jog for 4, this way your metabolic rate remains high and you dont have much of muscle loss

  17. @puri every one wants to be fit and strong with good endurance. marathon guy looks malnutrition. all his muscle protein is drained out due to over workout for stamina. sprinter looks good coz he has done quality workout for his legs to push his body faster and also keep the muscle bulk in right proportion so that it should not be heavy to lift his own weight which might make him slow. i ll go with Sprinter. the focus should be muscles, agility, endurance and power. not jut running all day like a stray dog.

  18. U are becoming really inspirational for all of us Manish. Good start!!!

    I think marathon runner(LHS) will remain more healthier than the Sprinter on the longer run

  19. @Vickram: yes bro. but i wud say sprint for 15 sec is enuf folowed by 45-60 secs of recovery. the 15 sec of burst shud b lik u cant giv more than 15 sec. thts called a real HIT. :)

  20. @Avijit: dts wt i want evry1 to focus :)

  21. Oookay..though i disagree wid a lot of thngs in dis blog bt lemme jst try to b short n straight..
    The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kms. The IAAF world record for men is 2:03:38..so on an average the guy ran 420 hundred metre sprints at approx 17.57 sec per sprint, covering every kilometre under 3mins.
    100 metres world record is 9.58secs. in other words marathon runners r taking less than twice the time than a 100m athlete bt r running 420times more. So if thts nt high intensity i wonder what it is..

    Also nt takng nythng away from a 100m athlete i'll jst say its nt about physiques, bt d requirements of their sport..nt every 100m athlete is like d one in pic, fr instance d current world record holder Usain bolt luks more like a distance runner..its absolutely baseless to compare a rugby player wid a badminton player or sumtimes even within a sport like a baseball pitcher with a baseball hitter..
    So to me there is no comparison between a marathon runner and a sprinter..

  22. @Pravi Khaira: heyyyyyyyyyyyy bro. how u????????
    nice to c u here :)

    C our main focus is on the difference between HIT(High Intensity Interval Training) and the LIT(Low Intensity Training). Less go bak 2 high school and focus on the real meaning of SPRINT.
    It is a short burst of speed at top speed.
    1 more thing i wud like to introduce here is "The Theory of Relativity" by Albert Einstein which works perfectly fine in the world of fitness as well.
    Everything in this world is relative. So is the speed at which we run. For me, YES the speed at which a marathon runner runs(25kmph approx.) is relatively too high. I cant run at that speed for too long. So for me it is a SPRINT.
    Ideally, if you can run at the speed of X kmph more than 12-15secs, X is not ur top speed. which means u r not SPRINTING.
    Hence, a marathon runner never SPRINTS, he may SPRINT at d end of the race jus for few secs.
    I ll giv u 1 more example of SPRINTING. As u r a very gud CRICKETER, u SPRINT only when u r in d middle of the picth and suddenly u realize the chances of getting RUN OUT. u ll give ur best, holding nothing back cz u dn want to loose ur wicket. thats d moment wn u actually SPRINT. :)

    I will never evr agree to the statement that USAIN BOLT looks like a marathon runner. Chk the following links to few of his pics:

    Can u c d muscles?????? Can u c the fibers of his muscles???????

    I comared these different atheletes bcz thats d main purpose of this thread :)
    I tried my best to clear the doubts. I request u all 2 please lemme know if u still feel i am wrong at any point.
    But Pravi bro i wud love to hear the others things as well that u dont agree. :)

  23. @All : i request u all to read the above comment carefully. It contains a lot of information you wont easily find anywhere. :)Stay Healthy Stay Fit

  24. Manish Puri:

    I have known him for last 10 years.... So, 10 years a quite sometime for people to trust what i write here.
    Never a day goes by when he doesn't work out come what may. Epitomizes the dedication for fitness.

    College exams or Project deadline, he works out without puting his other engagements in risk. A thorough professional.

    His scientific methodology towards fitness is not based on every myths about foods. Blaming a specific food isn't his niche.

    His mantra "Eat whatever you may but burn it out."

  25. I would say our body is a machine so take as much work from it as you can else your body parts will catch RUST.

    Eat healthy and keep your body moving through the day !!!

  26. Manish, the balance of body and mind is the key..all is about consistency...but how come the marathon runner has less muscle than the sprinter?

  27. Hey Munish, m f9 mate..its a vry nice thread n da topic u've chosen is a lot interesting but arguable..
    First off all m a big believer of HIT n plyometrics, nt jst fr weight reduction bt to achieve high-end sports fitness. In my last post i tried to explain tht running marathon is also a high intensity workout..
    But howcum??..
    There's a thing, Vo2 max. Vo2 max is da maximum capacity of an individual's body to transport n use oxygen during intense exercise. On da ground an athlete cn count his heartbeats to chk his Vo2 max. The intense da wrkout d more d heartbeats. The maximum ability of a human heart is to beat 180 times per minute, achieved mostly by pro athletes during intense training. At rest a human heart beats 60-80 bpm. Even at best a regular athlete dont count more than 160bpm. But a marathon runners heartrate is 180 bpm at d end of d race which means marathon running is high intensity though nt in short burst.
    But probably frm Low Intensity Training u mean regular running or jogging..
    Lets discuss da difference between HIT n LIT..if u r suggesting tht LIT makes u lean n weak, like d guy in d pic, i wld say evn HIT cn do tht. Satya above me has put up a vry intelligent que. Why marathon runners've less muscles thn sprinters?? The answer lies in their training. The reason fr a sprinter having a better luking body is simply tht they do strength drills, largely needed in their sport unlike a marathoner. So whr a marathoner relies n trains on his cardiovascular abilities a sprinter also trains in power workouts. Otherwise hw cn any athlete develop biceps or shoulder muscles as shown in d pic above jst by sprinting wid his legs. Its like putting mathew hadens batting picture n suggesting he developed his muscles because of batting. There r many behind d scene wrkouts tht contribute. So, u cn also've a same luking body by doing LIT with strength workouts like gym or power yoga or PX09 (lol).
    Jst think about it, wht'll happen if v stop increasing d weight in gym exercises n instead increase d repetitions. Say a guy who cn pick 80 kg on a flat bench press fr 10 repetitions starts picking 40 kg n do 50 repetitions. His smooth muscle (external muscle fiber) starts decreasing in size bt improves d endurance of his skeletal muscles (deep lying muscle fibres). Hence lean luks.
    I ws talking to Dr.Pawan Talupade n Dr.Nikhil (both ex-physios of punjab ranji trophy) bout HIT. Dey both dnt consider it safe fr amateur athletes. It could lead to muscle fatigues, cramps, muscle pulls, muscle strains or sprains, more so even ligament tears n joint dislocations n in some extreme cases evn heart attacks. Read dis: ["Arteriovenous oxygen difference".sports medicine and kinesiology (Testing Vo2max cn b dangerous in individuals who r nt considered normal healthy subjects as respiratory and cardiovascular systems will be greatly exacerbated)]
    Bt fr me the simple reason is dat its nt easy fr an amateur athlete to directly go into HIT n maintain consistency apart frm d risk of gettng hurt.

    Other things i disagree in dis blog:
    1. You said marathoner being unfit frm inside as he'll b overtrained or undernourished (big muscles r no authentication of fitness)
    2. Bharat said nt only u burn calories during HIW bt ur metabolism stays elevated aftrwards (both happens wid LIW as well)
    3. Swati said 100m race cn b won by taking injectables like testestrone (bt evn endurance athletes take testesterone n other recovery agents)
    4. Avijit said marathon guy looks malnutrition n all his muscle protien is drained out due to overwrkout fr stamina (dats a ditto bodybuilder's thinking "big muscles r healthy n small muscles r malnourished")
    5. Liked atul tripathi's post.

  28. @Karan : thanks bro. u know me :)
    @bhagesh: RUST hahahahahaha
    @Satya: i luv this: "the balance of body and mind is the key..all is about consistency"
    about marathon runners having almost no muscle:
    this actually is d main point of discussion of this thread rather than proving anybdy wrong. marathon runners run for a very long time without stop. and the thing is that aftr about 40-45 minutes of continues workout(under normal conditions) our body enters into catabolic state where it starts using MUSCLES for energy. thats the reason the marathon runners end up using all their muscles. So this is for all the people whu spend hours in doin cardio thinkin they ll loose fats. NO, THEY LOOSE MUSCLES.

  29. Pravi bro .... question is which physique u want ??? ....
    fitness studies r deep n vast
    n sprinting means hardest hit !! as u can .....
    marathonors nevr hit hardest hit of itself dey keep running at high speed consistently (so no Hi intesity training) .....
    the reason their Heart rate is nearly 180(at the end of race as you said) is because they may sprint at the end only as Manish has already explained
    in regular gym workout heavier u take bigger u vill b (diet role is dre) lighter u hit lean n small u vill b ...... (personal xperience)
    i didnt said dat LIW dsnt elevate ur metabolism !!! ??? ....
    again Theory of relativity
    HIT elevates more relative to LIW
    ur metabolism ... !!!
    so its better to choose HIT ..... !!

  30. @Pravi: Bro u have xplained the concept of VO2 max in a very gud way. i really appriciate that.
    Few things i want to share now. I have reached till 180bpm n its NOT A JOKE.
    I have a Heart Rate Monitor. The moment i end my Sprint, it shows 180(which actually is 93% of my max heart rate approx.).Now u know y?? It is bcz max heart rate is not a fixed value for all. it actually depends on ur age. It decreases as u grow older. There are various scientific formulae available to calculate ur max heart rate and we can easily find them.

    There r many behind the scene workouts like u said. i totally agree. :)
    and y these marathon runners don hv muscles, i have already xplained. Even if the marathon runner does Strength training, but keeps doin hours of cardio without stop, with time he ll keep loosin muscles again(catabolism). Now it again depends upon lotsa factors how much time it will take him to loose all the muscles.

    Now "Jst think about it, wht'll happen if v stop increasing d weight in gym exercises n instead increase d repetitions."
    Simply u r reducing the intensity of ur workout :) n remember MUSCLES ALWAYS RESPOND TO INTENSITY

    Now everything in this world comes with some cost. Even drinking xcess of water is not gud for us :)
    HIT has lotsa benefits so it also hav some -ves as well.
    Dr.Pawan Talupade n Dr.Nikhil are senior ppl. they cant b wrong.

    About rest of the things:
    1. I agree big muscles r no authentication of fitness. But acc to the THEORY OF RELATIVITY, marathon runnr
    are more prone to catabolism as compared to any other athelete
    2. This again is relative. HIT keeps ur metabolism elevated by more %age, for longer duration as compared to LIT
    3. bt evn endurance athletes take testesterone n other recovery agents. 100% correct
    4. Avijit said marathon guy looks malnutrition n all his muscle protien is drained out due to overwrkout fr stamina Avijit din say nything like a bodybuilder. he has correctly pointed out y marathon runners dont hav muscles.

    1. But it feels really nice when i c ur comments here. thanks a lot to all of u for sharing ur thots n experiences. I request all of u to plz read all the comments if possible and keep sharing ur thots

  31. @bpuri: jus saw ur comment.
    well FITNESS is really vast. n i mean really really vast. my knowledge is equivalent to a drop in an ocean.
    "heavier u take bigger u vill b (diet role is dre) lighter u hit lean n small u vill b" :
    its jus heavy wts mks ur workout more intense. but yeah DIET plays a major role in getting big. :)

  32. in my opinion the marathon runner has been depicted as too weak n frail.. whereas in reality many have better body than him... ideally speaking i want to achieve a leaner version of the sprinter :)

  33. Ofcourse, everyone wants body like Sprinter (RHS), but stemina is also essential. A 100m sprinter can run fast not long. So according to me, for our case, only for fitness, we have to in between both. i.e. not like marathon runner or sprinter. 2-5 km is suitable to keep a nice body and stemina.

  34. @Guruinc: so do i. :)

    @Nishchal: jus like me???? :P :D

  35. The perfect blend of high intensity training and endurance training results in fit, agile and strong body. The size of the muscles are not a clear indication of strength, infact the longevity of one's physique defines the fitness levels.
    The high intensity training tests out the maximum ability of an individual's strength, will power and carves out better performances. But this needs to be coupled with endurance regimes as well in order to have lasting effects for healthier and fitter physique.

  36. I feel Its not about whether we want to be like a sprinter or marathon runner.. One should be healthy and fit with required amount of stamina and imunity level... One should take inspiration and work on his/her own body in the way body demands it.. Each body needs different work out plan... In the end one should be feel happy about his/her body...

  37. Hey bharat, thnks fr bringng me to dis blog..evn if i'll b wrong m sure to learn sumthng outta it..
    Well, u said "a marathoner never hit hardest hit of itself, dey keep running at high speeds consistently (so no HIT)".
    Dnt forget he's competing wid oder guyz. If he wnt go at his best oders'll ovrtake him. Nt jst he goes at his best speed bt sumtimes he use his will power to overrun his best abilities in his quest to win. Take a look, i said marathon running is HIT, THOUGH NT IN SHORT BURST.
    Leave aside marathon, every game at highest level is high intensity. HIT doesnt jst mean ur running fast, it cld also mean training to improve ur twisting $ turning at ur best speed (required in american football), ur fastest relex (table tennis, badminton), ur fastest ball or pitch (cricket, baseball), hammer wrkouts to improve hitting n many more. Chk "plyometrics" online u'll knw HIT's oder thn sprinting. Every sport has its own high intensity wrkouts acc. to their needs, which takes d best outta athlete in diff ways. So saying sprinting at ur best is HIT n nt marathon is insult to a marathoners highest abilities or fr tht matter a mans highest abilities over 42 kms.

  38. @Bharat: The que is which physique u wnt?
    --Say u wnt a physique like tht sprinter, bt m saying its nt necessary to sprint to've those luks. U may need to sprint to achieve high-end sports fitness bt those luks cn b achievd evn with LIT. Bt if u wnt do strength wrkouts n jst keep sprinting, u wnt get those masculine luks of a sprinter no matter hw fast u cn run. So a sprinters luks has a lot to do wid his power wrkouts jst like i said Mat Haden dont 've those muscles coz of batting bt d hours he put doing strenght wrks.

  39. @Manish
    1.You r right Manish "even if a marathon runner does strength training bt keeps doing hours of cardio without stop, wid time he'll keep losing his muscles (catabolism). But as u said it depends upon lots of factors....
    --thts wht exactly m talkng bout. Lets say m running 90 mins n burning 2000 cal, bt my daily intake is 4000 cal., do u still thinks my muscles'll catabolise? No dey wnt. Catabolism is a process tht happens when u burn more calories thn ur intake. Catabolism cn happen if u take 1000 cal n lose more than tht wid HIT. So catabolism depends on ur cal intake nt LIT or HIT.
    See v r talking bout LIT n HIT. Marathon is nt LIT. Evn 15 min of jogging is LIT. So v shld concentrate upon running n jogging as LIT's. Marathon is nt even in d que coz i dnt knw nybody who runs 42 kms jst fr fitness sake.

    2. "Jst think bout it, wht'll happen if v stop increasing d weight in gym exercise n instead increase d repetitions".
    U said "simply ur reducing d intensity of ur exe."
    --Thts nt reducing d intensity. Reducing weight doesnt mean reducing intensity. In dat case increasing weight wld've been increasing intensity. U think jogging wid 40 kgs on ur shoulders is HIT or sprinting? If tht guy in gym picks 40 kg n do 50 reps at his fastest speed tht'll b n HIT, bt still after tht wrkout he'll b lean. So HIT has nothing to do wid those muscles. U cn achieve those luks n pretty gud fitness wid LIT also as both'll affect ur cardiovascular abilities more than muscles.

    Other thngs u mentioned:
    1.n4. I dnt knw Avijit bt i wld like to knw whether he's really into bodybuilding or sumthing like tht. I recon he is.
    Two things he said "malnourished n overworked"
    a. MALNOURISHED: he probably meant under nutrition, meaning deficiency of calories.
    Marathoners typically runs 160 to 240 kms per week during training. Thts about 10,000 to 15,000 cal a week. These runners dnt lose weight after certain amount coz dey of necessity 've larger appetites. So n elite marathoner consume many cal before n after marathon to've enough energy. It is however difficult to gain weight while burning these many cal. Thts y dey r quite slender. Dey r nt malnourished coz u gotta b one heck of a human being to run 42 kms malnourished, only on ur will power. Dis malnourished thinking has sumthing to do wid our seventh class biology book where sum lean guys'd their pics pasted as malnourishd kids. Though marathoners cld luk similar bt r nt similar athletically.
    b. OVERTRAINING: overtraining means training beyond body's ability to recover n re-training widout adequate rest n recovery.
    Dey r elite athletes to understand overtraining or else dey wldnt 've reached at such a large platform widout getting injured.

    2. This again is relative. HIT keeps ur metabolism elevated by more %age, for longer duration as compared to LIT
    -Agreed, bt wht tht has to do wid luks as suggestd in d pic.

    Luk mate, m jst saying, to achieve tht sprinter type luk u dnt need HIT necessarly, as suggested in d blog. Nt tht u cnt've those luks wid HIT bt u cn also've tht kinda luks wid LIT. Moreover, its too tough n risky fr a regular fitness freak. HIT has nothing to do wid tht sprinter's luks bt fitness. A regular guy dnt need tht hardcore fitness.

  40. @pravi bro ..... i may b wrong
    as u r xplaining those things wid a mind of sportsmen !!!
    i gv full respect 2 dem n srsly dey people r gr8 ...... !!!
    n ur point
    1.You r right Manish "even if a marathon runner does strength training bt keeps doing hours of cardio without stop, wid time he'll keep losing his muscles (catabolism). But as u said it depends upon lots of factors....
    --thts wht exactly m talkng bout. Lets say m running 90 mins n burning 2000 cal, bt my daily intake is 4000 cal., do u still thinks my muscles'll catabolise? No dey wnt. Catabolism is a process tht happens when u burn more calories thn ur intake. Catabolism cn happen if u take 1000 cal n lose more than tht wid HIT. So catabolism depends on ur cal intake nt LIT or HIT.
    well i can xplain it ..... ########
    Catabolism (break down) consists of all those reactions in which large molecules are broken down into smaller ones, with a release of energy from their chemical bonds. (sources +1 chemistry ) so i think der wud'nt b any concerns wid calories .....
    may b i m wrong or meri knwledge kamm bhi ho skti h as it was a limited concept in +1 chemistry .... :)

  41. @bharat: yea, you've defind it right, its d same catabolism bt i context of fitness calories does matter coz thts our body's fuel n body'll start using d stored fuel only if d provided fuel wont b enough..hence breakup of muscle tissue..
    dnt wry v all've limitd knowledge, if sumthng gud comes to ur mind put it out..

  42. @manish:
    Mate u said "So this is for all the people whu spend hours in doin cardio thinkin they ll loose fats. NO, THEY LOOSE MUSCLES."

    --By saying tht u r actually reversing d process of metabolism. Anythng tht v eat, metabolises in our body to produce energy. Bt thr's a specific process fr all d nutrients to go through. Our body's main fuel is carbohydrates.
    Firsts of all carbo's catabolise in our body in a process in which first d complex carbo's(polysaccharides n oligosaccharides) split into simple carbo's(monosaccharides n disaccharides), then dey further go through a process knw as glycolyses to b consumed by our body. Once all d carbo's r used through activity our body then catabolise d stored fats into fatty acids n further glycerol which enter glycolysis to b consumed by our body. Then comes d proteins. Proteins catabolise into amino acids n small amounts of protein cn b used fr energy. Only d glycogenic amino acids cn b synthesised by liver into glucose fr energy production. Then comes d extreme condition of muscle catabolism. Bt its a severe condition u dnt reach on will bt sumtimes out of necessity. N thts whn u cn lose ur muscle.

    So all d guyz running tht extra mile or spending hours doing cardio, thinking dey'll lose fat, WILL ACTUALLY LOSE FAT. N d guy who wont've tht fat to lose n cn b prone to loosing muscle probably wnt run tht extra mile coz he'll already b slim.
    HIT or LIT 've equal role in dis too..

  43. Agree with Manish. High intensity training like sprints make you very strong and durable. Prolonged low intensity trainings wear down the body and don't provide any benefits. Best avoided until and unless you are in professional sports. I have experienced it first hand. The increase in stamina is quite incredible and at the same time, high intensity trainings don't require you to be in the gym for two hours.

    Mark Sisson, a famous US trainer, has the same opinions. It is definitely worth reading his books to get the right mindset and habits. Or, if you are too lazy to read, you can always read Manish's blog or meet him :)


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